Angular consulting and training

Angular - Ionic - Ruby on Rails - NestJS - GraphQL - Serverless.

By @danielwanja.


Angular allows to create at a fast pace awesome, feature rich, well architected, complex, engaging HTML applications. We provide a decade of experience in building Rich Internet Applications at your service, now with Angular.

Ruby on Rails

Proven, solid, scalable, efficient, enabling fast paced development, Ruby on Rails is getting better with each version. From startups to enterprises we've build dozens of Rails application, serving millions of users. Ruby on Rails is also an exeptional JSON and GraphQL server and is the perfect companion to your next Angular app.


Businesses are moving faster, requirements continuously evolve, development cycle are shortened, enterprises adopt Scrum and Agile methodologies, but does your team have the proper agile practices in place to embrace these new challenges? We can help you team get ready!